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Espresso Time

4.8 ( 4768 ratings )
Verktyg Mat och dryck
Utvecklare: Ben Syverson
0.99 USD

Finally, a true one-touch timer that keeps things simple. Espresso Time counts up to your ideal extraction time... and thats it. The timer begins as soon as the app is launched, so you dont have to fiddle with buttons or settings when youre busy with the espresso machine.

• Numbers that go up.
• Virtual espresso fills up the virtual cup, so you can enjoy the sensation of making espresso even without a machine.
• When you hit your ideal extraction time, the screen will invert, giving you a clear visual.
• You can change your ideal extraction time.
• You like Helvetica Neue Ultra Light, right? If not, check out my other apps, Curlz MT Time and Papyrus Time.
• The Luxury of Simplicity